Disclaimer: Sturm does random things in this mission. Please use this walkthrough as a reference only. |
WARNING: It is almost impossible to beat The Final Battle advance campaign using the worst CO combination, namely Grit and Sami because they both suck at direct combat. Even if you survived the initial air raid which consists of six bombers you would have a very miserable time dealing with the medium tanks because neither Grit nor Sami has any medium tank. It is therefore strongly recommended that you restart advance campaign and choose a different path so that you will not end up having this CO combination. |
GENERAL STRATEGY: It's imperative that you destroy the bombers first. Arrange the allies anti-airs and missiles so each of them can make a hit on day 2. Have Andy build lots of mechs to take the meteor strike and to absorb attack. You must keep Andy's two medium tanks alive and in good shape at least in the early stage. Don't engage Andy's two medium tanks in unneccesary battles against enemy mechs or medium tanks. Attack only if you can destroy the enemy without getting fired back. Grit's indirect units are weak in defense and must move in group. Both Grit and Sami should ignore the neutral cities and capture the northern bases and airports as soon as possible. |
capture airport with infantry |
capture base with infantry |
move medium tank northeast |
move medium tank northwest |
move APC north |
move anti-air northwest |
move anti-air north |
move missile north |
move b-copter northeast |
move b-copter northwest |
move t-copter east |
build two mechs from bases end Andy Day 1 |
move small tank north |
move anti-air northwest |
move small tank north |
move rocket northeast |
move missile north |
move artillery northeast |
move artillery northwest |
move rocket northwest |
move missile north |
move infantry north |
move infantry east |
build infantry and artillery from bases end Grit Day 1 |
move anti-air northeast |
move anti-air northwest |
move small tank north |
move small tank northwest |
move mech north |
move mech north |
move mech north |
move missile north |
move missile northwest |
move infantry north |
move infantry north |
move infantry west |
build small tank from base end Sami Day 1 |
capture Grit's airport with infantry capture Sami's base with infantry capture Andy's cities with mechs destroy Grit's small tank with bomber destroy Andy's APC with medium tank advance remaining troops in this formation |
NOTE: your goal of day 1 is to lure Sturm's aircrafts within attack range. |
finish capturing city with infantry |
finish capturing base with infantry |
destroy b-copter with anti-air |
attack fighter with ant-air |
attack medium tank with medium tank |
destroy damaged medium tank with medium tank |
destroy bomber with missile |
attack mech with b-copter |
attack small tank with b-copter |
move mech north |
move mech northwest |
move empty t-copter south |
build two mechs from bases end Andy Day 2 |
destroy fighter with missile |
destroy bomber with missile |
attack bomber with anti-air |
attack infantry with small tank |
attack medium tank with rocket |
destroy damaged medium tank with rocket |
move infantry north |
move artillery northwest |
move artillery northwest |
move infantry north |
move artillery northwest |
move infantry southeast |
build artillery from base end Grit Day 2 |
destroy fighter with missile |
attack bomber with anti-air |
attack bomber with anti-air |
attack infantry with small tank |
attack medium tank with small tank |
attack damaged medium tank with mech |
move mech north |
move missile north |
move mech north |
move infantry north |
move infantry north |
move small tank northwest |
move infantry west |
build small tank from base end Sami Day 2 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Andy's cluster of mechs |
continue to capture Grit's airport with damaged infantry continue to capture Sami's base with damaged infantry finish capturing Andy's cities with mechs retreat damaged fighter destroy Andy's damaged t-copter with damaged fighter destroy Grit's artilery with bomber attack Grit's rocket with damaged bomber join damaged bombers destroy Andy's anti-air with small tank attack Andy's b-copter with small tank destroy Andy's damaged missile with damaged small tank destroy Andy's b-copter with anti-air destroy Andy's damaged b-copter with anti-air attack Andy's medium tank with b-copter attack Sami's small tank with b-copter attack Sami's missile with damaged medium tank move remaining troops in this formation build medium tank and missile from bases |
invoke hyper repair |
destroy damaged small tank with damaged mech |
destroy b-copter with anti-air |
destroy anti-air with damaged medium tank |
destroy damaged mech with infantry |
destroy anti-air with medium tank |
attack mech with damaged infantry |
move damaged mech northeast |
capture city with damaged mech |
move damaged mech north |
build three mechs from bases end Andy Day 3 |
destroy bomber with missile |
destroy damaged bomber with missile |
destroy damagd infantry with damaged anti-air |
move small tank northeast |
capture base with infantry |
move artillery northwest |
move damaged rocket northwest |
attack infantry with rocket |
move artillery northwest |
capture city with infantry |
move artillery north |
capture city with infantry |
build infantry and artillery from bases end Grit Day 3 |
invoke double time |
destroy b-copter with damaged anti-air |
destroy damaged bomber with damaged anti-air |
move damaged small tank west |
move small tank southwest |
destroy damaged infantry with small tank |
move damaged missile northwest |
destroy damaged infantry with small tank |
attack damaged medium tank with damaged mech |
attack damaged medium tank with mech |
destroy damaged medium tank with mech |
move infantry north |
capture city with infantry |
move missile north |
capture city with infantry |
move small tank northeast |
build small tank from base end Sami Day 3 |
retreat damaged infantry from Grit's territory capture Sami's base with infantry destroy Andy's infantry with rocket retreat damaged fighter to airport attack Grit's small tank with small tank destroy Andy's damaged infantry with damaged small tank destroy Andy's damaged mech with anti-air destroy Grit's damaged small tank with b-copter destroy Andy's anti-air with medium tank destroy Sami's damaged anti-air with medium tank attack Andy's medium tank with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation build medium tank from base build bomber from airport |
attack damaged mech with damaged mech |
destroy damaged mech with damaged medium tank |
attack mech with damaged medium tank |
attack anti-air with mech |
move damaged mech southeast |
destroy damaged anti-air with mech |
attack mech with damaged mech |
move mech northeast |
build three mechs from bases end Andy Day 4 |
invoke snipe attack |
destroy b-copter with damaged anti-air |
move damaged rocket north |
destroy damaged small tank with artillery |
finish capturing base with infantry |
move artillery north |
finish capturing city with infantry |
move artillery north |
move rocket northwest |
move missile north |
move missile northwest |
move infantry north |
move artillery northwest |
finish capturing city with infantry |
build nothing end Grit Day 4 |
move damaged small tank south |
attack damaged small tank with small tank |
destroy damaged mech with damaged anti-air |
move damaged missile west |
attack infantry with small tank |
destroy damaged infantry with small tank |
capture base with infantry |
finish capturing city with infantry |
capture city with mech |
move damaged mech north |
move damaged mech northwest |
destroy fighter with missile |
finish capturing city with infantry |
move small tank northeast |
build small tank from base end Sami Day 4 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Andy's cluster of mechs |
destroy Sami's damaged missile with anti-air destroy Grit's damaged anti-air with medium tank destroy Sami's damaged anti-air with medium tank destroy Andy's damaged mechs with medium tanks destroy Sami's damaged small tank with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation |
attack damaged medium tank with damaged medium tank |
destroy damaged medium tank with damaged medium tank |
move damaged mech north |
move damaged mech north |
move damaged mech north |
move damaged mech west |
move damaged mech northeast |
move damaged mech northeast |
build two mechs and an infantry from bases end Andy Day 5 |
attack medium tank with damaged rocket |
destroy damaged medium tank with artillery |
move artillery northeast |
move artillery northeast |
capture airport with infantry |
move missile north |
move rocket north |
capture city with infantry |
move missile northwest |
capture city with infantry |
move artillery north |
capture city with infantry |
end Grit Day 5 |
destroy damaged small tank with small tank |
move small tank northwest |
finish capturing base with infantry |
capture airport with damaged mech |
move damaged mech west |
move small tank southwest |
capture city with infantry |
finish capturing city with mech |
move small tank northwest |
move infantry north |
move small tank northeast |
move missile east |
build nothing end Sami Day 5 |
destroy Andy's damaged mech with rocket destroy Grit's artillery with bomber destroy Andy's damaged mech with anti-air destroy Sami's small tanks with medium tanks destroy Andy's damaged mech with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation |
attack rocket with damaged medium tank |
destroy damaged rocket with damaged medium tank |
move damaged mech north |
attack anti-air with mech |
destroy damaged anti-air with damaged mech |
move infantry northwest |
move mech northwest |
build three mechs from bases end Andy Day 6 |
destroy bomber with missile |
move artillery northeast |
move rocket north |
move artillery northwest |
move damaged rocket northwest |
finish capturing airport with infantry |
move missile east |
finish capturing city with infantry |
finish capturing city with infantry |
finish capturing city with infantry |
build nothing end Grit Day 6 |
invoke double time |
destroy damaged mech with small tank |
attack b-copter with small tank |
move infantry west |
finish capturing airport with damaged mech |
finish capturing city with infantry |
build medium tank from base |
move damaged mech west |
attack medium tank with small tank |
move missile north |
move mech northwest |
move infantry north |
end Sami Day 6 |
destroy Andy's damaged mech with damaged b-copter attack Grit's artillery with small tank destroy Andy's damaged mechs with medium tanks destroy Sami's missile with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation |
destroy damaged infantry with damaged medium tank |
destroy anti-air with damaged medium tank |
attack mech with infantry |
attack mech with mech |
move mech north (don't fire) |
move mech north (don't fire) |
move mech northwest |
move mech northeast (don't fire) |
build three mechs from bases end Andy Day 7 |
destroy small tank with rocket |
move damaged artillery east |
move artillery east |
move damaged rocket northeast |
move artillery northeast |
move infantry north |
build fighter from airport |
move missile north |
build rocket from base |
capture city with infantry |
move infantry east |
move infantry north |
end Grit Day 7 |
move damaged small tank west (don't fire) |
move damaged mech northwest |
move infantry west |
attack missile with small tank |
destroy damaged missile with infantry |
move damaged small tank west (don't fire) |
attack medium tank with medium tank |
destroy damaged medium tank with mech |
move damaged mech west |
build nothing end Sami Day 7 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Andy's cluster of mechs |
capture city with damaged mech destroy Sami's damaged small tank with bomber destroy Andy's damaged mech with damaged b-copter destroy Grit's damaged artillery with small tank destroy Grit's Artillery with medium tank destroy Andy's damaged mech with medium tank destroy Andy's damaged mech with damaged medium tank move remaining troops in this formation |
attack medium tank with damaged medium tank |
invoke hyper repair |
attack mech with damaged medium tank |
attack damaged mech with damaged infantry |
destroy damaged mech with damaged mech |
destroy damaged mech with damaged mech |
attack damaged medium tank with damaged mech |
join damaged mechs |
move damaged mech north |
move damaged mech northwest |
build two mechs and an infantry from bases end Andy Day 8 |
destroy damaged medium tank with artillery |
attack small tank with damaged rocket |
move rocket east |
destroy fighter with missile |
move fighter northeast |
move missile west |
move rocket northwest |
finish capturing city with infantry |
attack APC with infantry |
build t-copter frmo airport |
load infantry into t-copter |
build APC from base end Grit Day 8 |
destroy damaged small tank with small tank |
move infantry northwest |
attack damaged medium tank with damaged mech |
move infantry west |
move medium tank northeast |
build bomber from airport |
build anti-air from base |
move damaged mech west |
move mech west |
end Sami Day 8 |
destroy Sami's small tank with rocket destroy Grit's rocket with bomber destroy Andy's mech with b-copter attack Andy's damaged medium tank with b-copter destroy Sami's damaged infantry with medium tank attack Andy's damaged medium tank with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation |
suicide attack damaged medium tank with damaged medium tank |
suicide attack damaged medium tank with damaged mech |
suicide attack damaged medium tank with damaged mech |
move mech west (don't fire) |
move mech south (don't fire) |
move damaged mech south (don't fire) |
move damaged infantry northeast (don't fire) |
move infantry northwest |
move damaged medium tank east (don't fire) |
build infantry, mech, and artillery from bases end Andy Day 9 |
invoke snipe attack |
destroy anti-air with artillery |
destroy damaged medium tank with damaged rocket |
destroy bomber with missile |
destroy b-copter with fighter |
move rocket northeast |
load infantry into APC |
move loaded APC north (don't unload) |
move loaded t-copter north |
destroy damaged b-copter with missile |
move infantry east (don't fire) |
move infantry northeast |
build fighter from airport build artillery from base end Grit Day 9 |
destroy damaged mech with infantry |
destroy 1HP medium tank with infantry |
move damaged mech south |
move mech west |
destroy damaged medium tank with bomber |
move damaged mech northwest |
move medium tank northwest |
move anti-air northwest |
build infantry from base build t-copter from airport end Sami Day 9 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Andy's cluster of mechs |
destroy Sami's infantry with rocket attack Andy's damaged medium tank with anti-air destroy Grit's damaged infantry with damaged medium tank move remaining troops in this formation |
move damaged medium tank south |
move damaged artillery northwest |
destroy damaged medium tank with mech |
attack damaged APC with damaged mech |
attack damaged APC with infantry |
move damaged mech east |
join damaged mechs |
join damaged mechs |
move infantry north |
move damaged infantry northwest |
build small tank from base end Andy Day 10 |
move loaded APC northeast |
drop infantry to the north of APC |
move loaded t-copter northeast |
drop infantry to the north of t-copter |
move rocket east |
move artillery east |
attack infantry with damaged rocket |
attack b-copter with fighter |
move fighter northeast |
move artillery northwest |
move missile northwest |
move missile northwest |
move infantry north |
build artillery from base end Grit Day 10 |
destroy damaged anti-air with bomber |
destroy b-copter with anti-air |
move medium tank west |
load infantry into t-copter |
fly loaded t-copter northwest |
move infantry north |
move damaged mech west |
move damaged mech north |
join damaged mechs |
build fighter from airport end Sami Day 10 |
attack Grit's infantry with rocket destroy Grit's t-copter with anti-air destroy Grit's damaged infantry with small tank retreat damaged b-copter attack Grit's infantry with anti-air move remaining troops in this formation build missile from base build bomber from airport |
attack rocket with damaged medium tank |
move artillery north |
move small tank northwest |
attack damaged APC with damaged mech |
attack damaged APC with infantry |
attack damaged APC with damaged infantry |
capture city with infantry |
build b-copter from airport end Andy Day 11 |
occupy eastern base with fighter |
occupy western base with fighter |
attack anti-air with artillery |
attack anti-air with rocket |
destroy damaged anti-air with damaged rocket |
move damaged infantry east |
supply damaged rocket using APC |
move artillery east |
move missile northeast |
move artillery northwest |
move missile north |
build bomber from airport end Grit Day 11 |
attack mech with infantry |
destroy damaged mech with anti-air |
move medium tank northwest |
capture city with damaged mech |
move loaded t-copter northwest |
drop infantry to the west of t-copter |
destroy damaged rocket with bomber |
move fighter northwest |
build nothing end Sami Day 11 |
destroy Grit's fighter with missile destroy Sami's t-copter with missile destroy Grit's damaged infantry with small tank destroy Sami's bomber with anti-air retreat damaged anti-airattack Grit's rocket with damaged infantry build mech from base |
suicide attack small tank with damaged medium tank |
attack mech with damaged artillery |
destroy damaged mech with small tank |
attack mech with b-copter |
destroy damaged mech with infantry |
destroy damaged infantry with infantry |
destroy damaged APC with damaged mech |
build nothing end Andy Day 12 |
attack small atnk with damaged rocket |
move artillery east |
move damaged rocket east |
move artillery northeast |
move artillery east |
move missile east |
move bomber northeast |
destroy damaged b-copter with fighter |
end Grit Day 12 |
invoke double time |
attack anti-air with medium tank |
destroy damaged small tank with anti-air |
destroy bomber with fighter |
capture headquarter with infantry |
end Sami Day 12 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Grit's rockets |
join damaged anti-airs move remaining troops in this formation build two infantries from bases build APC from base build fighter and bomber from airports |
idle |
idle |
finish capturing headquarter with infantry |
Nooooooooooo! |
I win! |
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