destroy sub with cruiser |
move sub south and dive |
move sub southwest and dive |
move cruiser southwest |
move sub southwest and dive |
move b-ship southwest |
move sub south and dive |
move b-ship southeast |
load rocket into lander |
load infantry into lander |
move loaded lander southeast |
end Max Day 1 |
attack cruiser with b-ship advance b-ship other activities unknown |
move damaged cruiser southwest |
attack b-ship with dived sub |
destroy damaged b-ship with b-ship |
attack b-ship with dived sub |
destroy damaged b-ship with dived sub |
move cruiser to southwestern reef |
move dived sub southwest |
move b-ship southwest |
move loaded lander southwest |
end Max Day 2 |
invoke tsunami destroy damaged cruiser with b-ship move remaining fleet in this formation |
invoke tsunami |
move damaged loaded lander southeast |
drop rocket and infantry from lander |
attack b-ship with damaged dived sub |
destroy damaged b-ship with damaged dived sub |
attack b-ship with damaged dived sub |
destroy damaged b-ship with damaged dived sub |
destroy sub with damaged cruiser |
move damaged b-ship south |
move damaged b-ship south |
end Max Day 3 |
destroy damaged lander with b-ship attack damaged dived sub with cruiser destroy damaged dived sub with sub |
attack b-ship with damaged dived sub |
destroy damaged b-ship with damaged b-ship |
capture headquarter with infantry |
end Max Day 4 (try not to trigger Drake's CO) |
destroy damaged dived sub with cruisers attack b-ship with sub |
finish capturing headquarter with infantry |
A job well done! |
That's what happens when you face me! |
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