load small tank into lander |
load infantry into lander |
move loaded lander to northeastern reef |
move sub east and dive |
move b-ship to northeastern reef |
move cruiser to northeastern reef |
move b-ship to northeastern reef |
move cruiser southeast |
move sub northeast and dive |
load small tank into lander |
load medium tank into lander |
move loaded lander to eastern reef |
capture city with infantry |
move APC east |
end Max Day 1 |
advance b-ships other activities unknown |
destroy sub with cruiser |
move b-ship to southeastern reef |
move loaded lander northeast |
move loaded lander northeast |
attack b-ship with dived sub |
attack b-ship with dived sub |
attack b-ship with b-ship |
move cruiser northeast |
finish capturing city with infantry end Max Day 2 |
invoke blizzard join damaged b-ships attack APC with damaged b-ship attack dived sub with sub advance cruisers other activities unknown |
invoke max force |
move cruiser northeast |
move loaded lander north |
move loaded lander north |
destroy damaged sub with cruiser |
attack cruiser with b-ship |
destroy damaged cruiser with damaged dived sub |
destroy damaged b-ship with dived sub |
move b-ship east |
end Max Day 3 |
attack loaded lander with b-ship attack damaged APC with damaged b-ship advance sub other activities unknown |
destroy sub with cruiser |
move 1HP loaded lander northeast |
destroy lander with dived sub |
attack infantry with b-ship |
move b-ship north |
move cruiser northeast |
move loaded lander east |
drop medium tank from lander |
move damaged sub north and rise |
end Max Day 4 |
attack loaded lander with rocket destroy damaged loaded lander with b-ship attack damaged APC with damaged b-ship attack cruiser with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation other activities unknown |
destroy infantry with medium tank |
attack medium tank with b-ship |
destroy damaged medium tank with b-ship |
attack b-ship with damaged sub |
move 1HP loaded lander to southwestern reef |
destroy damaged b-ship with dived sub |
move damage cruiser northeast |
move cruiser northeast |
end Max Day 5 |
invoke blizzard attack cruiser with rocket destroy damaged sub with cruiser destroy damaged cruiser with medium tank attack damaged APC with damaged b-ship |
invoke max force |
attack medium tank with medium tank |
attack damaged infantry with lower b-ship |
move b-ship northeast |
move 1HP loaded lander east |
drop infantry and small tank from lander |
move damaged cruiser northeast |
move dived sub east and rise |
end Max Day 6 |
destroy damaged lander with rocket destroy damaged APC with damaged b-ship attack sub with cruiser move damaged medium tank to southern city |
destroy damaged infantry with lower b-ship |
destroy damaged medium tank with small tank |
capture headquarter with infantry |
end Max Day 7 |
destroy damaged sub with cruiser destroy damaged cruiser with rocket attack b-ship with damaged b-ship |
finish capturing headquarter with infantry |
Grrr... Another defeat! |
That's that! |
Help support the AW Revival and make a PayPal donation to baekdoosan@tekken.cc. Please click on the button to the left. Thank you in advance. |