Disclaimer: Eagle does random things in this mission. Please use this walkthrough as a reference only. |
This is one of the hardest missions of the entire campaign. Eagle has six bombers, two fightes, five b-copters, three medium tanks, and other units. You must lure the enemy planes into attack range without losing your anti-air, fighter, or missile. The bait units are your infantries, mechs, APC, artillery, and b-copter. Deploy them in a way so your figher, anti-air, and missile can retaliate immediately after the enemy air raid. Summary of strategy: If you fail to do (1) and (2) above, you're not doing it right. Please restart. |
Objective of Day 1: attack and destroy the b-copters. lure the two bombers within attack range. |
destroy b-copter with fighter |
attack b-copter with b-copter (make sure it has 1HP left, not 2HP!) |
load mech into APC |
move loaded APC north |
drop mech to the east of APC |
move medium tank northeast |
move small tank north |
move artillery northeast |
move missile northwest |
move anti-air northwest |
move infantry north |
move infantry north |
load mech into t-copter |
move loaded t-copter northwest |
end Max Day 1 |
destroy mech with bomber destroy APC with bomber move remaining troops in this formation other activities unknown |
Objective of Day 2: destroy the two bombers. deploy the troops carefully to minimize casualties when lightning strike hits. the following units must be alive by the end of Day 2: medium tank, t-copter, a full-health infantry/mech, missile, anti-air, fighter. eagle's two bombers and fighter must also be within attack range. otherwise reset and try a different deployment to ensure you can destroy the two bombers and fighter in Day 3. |
destroy bomber with anti-air |
destroy bomber with fighter |
move small tank northeast |
move missile northeast |
move medium tank northeast |
move infantry southeast |
move infantry east |
move b-copter northwest |
move loaded t-copter north |
drop mech to the south of t-copter |
move artillery east |
end Max Day 2 |
attack infantry with damaged b-copter attack small tank with small tank invoke lightning strike destroy b-copter with fighter attack artillery with damaged b-copter destroy damaged artillery with bomber attack infantry with damaged small tank destroy infantry with bomber other activities unknown |
Objective of Day 3: destroy the two bombers and fighter (using your fighter, anti-air, and missile.) advance your troops but make sure your medium tank won't get destroyed when it's eagles turn. |
invoke max force |
destroy damaged small tank with damaged small tank |
destroy infantry with medium tank |
attack infantry with damaged infantry |
destroy fighter with fighter |
destroy bomber with missile |
destroy bomber with anti-air |
load mech into t-copter |
move loaded t-copter east |
drop mech to the north of t-copter end Max Day 3 |
attack medium tank with b-copter continue to capture city with damaged infantry attack missile with damaged b-copter other activities unknown |
Objective of Day 4: render the medium tank harmless. keep the fighter, missile, anti-air, t-copter with full-health infantry/mech alive. |
destroy damaged b-copter with fighter |
attack medium tank with damaged medium tank |
attack damaged medium tank with damaged small tank |
attack damaged infantry with damaged infantry |
move mech east |
move empty t-copter east |
move missile east |
destroy damaged b-copter with anti-air |
end Max Day 4 |
finish capturing city with damaged infantry attack damaged medium tank with b-copter attack damaged small tank with damaged medium tank other activities unknown |
destroy damaged medium tank with damaged medium tank |
destroy b-copter with fighter |
move damaged small tank east |
load mech into t-copter |
move loaded t-copter southeast |
drop mech to the east of t-copter |
move damaged missile east |
move infantry northeast |
move anti-air east (don't fire) |
end Max Day 5 |
attack fighter with fighter destroy damaged small tank with bomber other activities unknown |
destroy damaged fighter with damaged missile |
destroy bomber with anti-air |
move damaged medium tank east |
move damaged infantry east |
move damaged fighter east |
load mech into t-copter |
move loaded t-copter northeast |
end Max Day 6 |
destroy damaged medium tank with bomber invoke lightning strike destroy damaged missile with bomber other activities unknown |
destroy bomber with anti-air |
move loaded t-copter east |
drop mech to the east of t-copter |
move damaged fighter east |
end Max Day 7 |
attack t-copter with medium tank |
capture headquarter with mech |
move damaged fighter west |
move damaged t-copter east |
end Max Day 8 |
destroy damaged t-copter with medium tank |
finish capturing headquarter with mech |
I, Eagle, lost again? |
I'm nobody's fool! |
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