build two infantries from bases build t-copter from airport end Eagle Day 1 |
build two infantries from bases end Max Day 1 |
build infantry from base end Sensei Day 1 |
build infantry and t-copter from factory move troops in this formation build infantry from base |
capture city with infantry load infantry into t-copter move loaded t-copter east build two infantries from bases end Eagle Day 2 |
move infantries northeast build infantry and APC from bases end Max Day 2 |
capture city with infantry build infantry from base end Sensei Day 2 |
capture city with infantry build three b-copters from factory move remaining troops in this formation build infantry from base |
finish capturing city with infantry capture city with infantry move infantry northeast move loaded t-copter east build nothing end Eagle Day 3 |
capture city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation end Max Day 3 |
finish capturing city with infantry capture city with infantry build nothing end Sensei Day 3 |
finish capturing city with infantry build medium tank from factory move remaining troops in this formation build infantry from base build fighter from airport |
finish capturing city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build fighter from airport end Eagle Day 4 |
finish capturing city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build two infantries from bases end Max Day 4 |
finish capturing city with infantry capture city with infantry build mech from base end Sensei Day 4 |
build two artilleries from factory capture base with infantry capture port with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build infantry from base |
capture cities with infantries move remaining troops in this formation build infantry from base build t-copter from airport end Eagle Day 5 |
capture base with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build anti-air from base end Max Day 5 |
finish capturing city with infantry capture city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build lander from port end Sensei Day 5 |
finish capturing city with infantry finish capturing port with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build APC from base |
finish capturing cities with infantries move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Eagle Day 6 |
finish capturing base with infantry finish capturing cities with infantries move remaining troops in this formation build small tank from base end Max Day 6 |
finish capturing city with infantry load infantry and mech into lander move remaining troops in this formation build infantry from base end Sensei Day 6 |
build two t-copters and a t-copter from factory attack Eagle's t-copter with minicannon move remaining troops in this formation build small tank and anti-air from bases build lander from port |
capture airports with infantries move remaining troops in this formation build fighter from airport end Eagle Day 7 |
capture cities with infantries capture base with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build artillery from base end Max Day 7 |
move troops in this formation build lander from port end Sensei Day 7 |
build neotank from factory capture city with infantry attack Sensei's lander with minicannon attack Sensei's mech with b-copter move remaining troops in this formation build recon and small tank from bases |
finish capturing airports with infantries destroy b-copter with fighter move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Eagle Day 8 |
finish capturing cities with infantries finish capturing base with infantry move infantry to missile silo launch missile at anti-air move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Max Day 7 |
capture airport with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Sensei Day 8 |
attack Sensei's damaged mech with black cannon attack Sensei's lander with minicannon attack Eagle's fighter with minicannon attack Max's small tank with minicannon destroy Sensei's damaged mech with b-copter destroy Max's infantry with b-copter and anti-air destroy Max's damaged small tank with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation build missile from base |
attack b-copter with damaged fighter capture city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build fighter from airport end Eagle Day 9 |
capture cities with infantries attack black cannon with artillery attack medium tank with small tank move remaining troops in this formation build neotank from base end Max Day 9 |
finish capturing airport with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Sensei Day 9 |
build anti-air from factory capture city with damaged infantry attack Sensei's damaged lander with damaged black cannon attack Max's damaged small tank with minicannon destroy Max's damaged small tank with damaged medium tank move remaining troops in this formation build mech and small tank from bases |
finish capturing city with infantry capture city with infantry destroy damaged b-copter with damaged fighter destroy b-copter with fighter move remaining troops in this formation |
finish capturing cities with infantries attack damaged black cannon with artillery destroy damaged medium tank with damaged neotank destroy b-copter with anti-air build two small tanks from bases move remaining troops in this formation end Max Day 10 |
capture base with infantry capture city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build bomber from airport end Sensei Day 10 |
continue to capture city with damaged infantry attack Sensei's damaged lander with damaged black cannon attack Max's damaged neotank with minicannon move remaining troops in this formation build rocket from base |
finish capturing city with infantry destroy t-copter with fighter move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Eagle Day 11 |
destroy damaged black cannon with artillery attack recon with damaged neotank move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Max Day 11 |
finish capturing base with infantry finish capturing city with infantry destroy infantry with bomber move remaining troops in this formation build b-copter from airport end Sensei Day 11 |
build fighter, bomber, and b-copter from factory finish capturing city with damaged infantry attack Max's damaged neotank with minicannon move remaining troops in this formation build mech and small tank from bases build t-copter from airport |
attack fighter with fighter move remaining troops in this formation build bomber and t-copter from airports end Eagle Day 12 |
destroy b-copter with anti-air destroy damaged anti-air with small tank attack small tank with damaged neotank move remaining troops in this formation build neotank and small tank from bases end Max Day 12 |
capture city with infantry capture port with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build b-copter from airport end Sensei Day 12 |
invoke black storm capture city with damaged infantry destroy Sensei's damaged infantry with rocket attack Eagle's damaged fighter with damaged fighter attack Max's small tank with artillery destroy Max's damaged neotank with small tank attack Max's damaged artillery with damaged recon move remaining troops in this formation build b-copter from airport |
capture cities with damaged infantries capture base with damaged infantry destroy b-copter with damaged fighters destroy bomber with damaged fighters destroy damaged fighter with damaged fighter attack b-copter with damaged fighter move remaining troops in this formation build nothing end Eagle Day 13 |
attack damaged infantry with damaged artillery destroy damaged recon with anti-air attack damaged infantry with damaged infantry move remaining troops in this formation build small tank from base end Max Day 13 |
continue to capture port with damaged infantry continue to capture city with damaged infantry attack rocket with damaged b-copter move remaining troops in this formation build b-copter from airport end Sensei Day 13 |
build bomber from factory continue to capture city with damaged infantry destroy Max's damaged small tank with artillery destroy Eagle's damaged t-copter with anti-air destroy Sensei's damaged b-copter with fighter move remaining troops in this formation build medium tank from base |
continue to capture cities with infantries destroy fighter with damaged fighters destroy damaged b-copter with damaged fighter attack b-copter with damaged fighter capture airport with damaged infantry destroy anti-air with bomber move remaining troops in this formation build two infantries from bases build bomber from airport end Eagle Day 14 |
destroy damaged infantry with damaged artillery destroy small tank with neotank destroy damaged small tank with damaged small tank destroy infantry with anti-air attack mech with damaged infantry attack artillery with small tank move damaged infantry to missile isilo launch missile at wood between damaged enemy t-copter and small tank destroy damaged artillery with small tank move remaining troops in this formation build medium tank from base end Max Day 14 |
finish capturing city with damaged infantry finish capturing port with damaged infantry destroy mech with b-copter attack small tank with damaged bomber build b-copter from airport end Sensei Day 14 |
attack Max's neotank with minicannon destroy Max's damaged infantry with damaged artillery attack Max's small tank with damaged small tank move remaining troops in this formation build mechs from bases |
finish capturing cities with damaged infantries continue to capture airport with damaged infantry move damaged infantry to missile silo launch missile to hit the two enemy bombers and neotank destroy damaged bomber with damaged fighter destroy minicannon with bomber destroy medium tank with bomber destroy damaged t-copter with damaged fighter destroy damaged bomber with damaged fighters build two infantries from bases build three t-copters from airports invoke lightning strike destroy damaged neotank with bomber destroy minicannon with bomber move remaining troops in this formation end Eagle Day 15 |
destroy damaged small tank with damaged small tank destroy damaged rocket with damaged small tank invoke max blast destroy damaged mech with anti-air destroy damaged APC with damaged neotank destroy damaged artillery with small tank destroy infantry with medium tank build small tank from base end Max Day 15 |
destroy damaged small tank with damaged bomber move damaged infantry to missile silo launch missile at mech destroy damaged mech with b-copter move infantry into missile silo launch missile to hit damaged lander and mech invoke copter command capture city with damaged infantry destroy damaged lander with b-copter move remaining troops in this formation build b-copter from airport end Sensei Day 15 |
attack Max's damaged neotank with minicannon attack Eagle's damaged fighter with black cannon invoke black storm move remaining troops in this formation build mech from base build lander from port |
finish capturing airport with damaged infantry capture city with damaged infantry destroy damaged b-copter with damaged fighter attack black cannon with damaged bomber move remaining troops in this formation build two infantries from bases build two t-copters from airports |
attack missile with damaged medium tank destroy damaged missile with damaged small tank build nothing end Max Day 16 |
idle |
build neotank from factory attack Max's small tank with minicannon capture port with mech move remaining troops in this formation build mech and APC from bases |
attack pipeline with damaged bomber end Eagle Day 17 |
idle end Max Day 17 |
idle end Max Day 17 |
finish capturing port with mech move remaining troops in this formation build anti-air and artillery from bases |
destroy damaged pipeline with damaged bomber |
Is this the end? |
300pts S-Rank! |
18 days! |
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