attack small tank with mech |
move small tank northeast |
move artillery northeast |
load infantry into APC |
move loaded APC northeast |
end Sami Day 1 |
capture city with infantry attack artillery with damaged small tank move remaining troops in this formation |
move loaded APC northeast |
drop infantry to the north of APC |
move small tank northeast |
move damaged artillery east |
destroy damaged small tank with damaged mech |
end Sami Day 2 |
finish capturing city with infantry attack damaged artillery with small tank move remaining troops in this formation |
capture headquarter with infantry |
move damaged artillery west |
move damaged mech east |
attack small tank with small tank |
move APC southeast |
end Sami Day 3 |
attack APC with damaged small tank attack damaged small tank with small tank attack infantry with infantry attack damaged APC with infantry move remaining troops in this formation NOTE: the AI behaves randomly here. sometimes your small tank gets destroyed, but it won't affect your score. all you have to do is finish capturing the headquarter on day 4. i've shown it's possible to win without losing a single unit in this mission. |
finish capturing headquarter with damaged infantry |
Grrrr! Not bad... for a girl! |
300pts S-Rank! |
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