capture city with infantry (compulsory) |
move mech east (compulsory) |
move recon southeast (compulsory) |
attack medium tank with rocket |
destroy damaged medium tank with medium tank |
attack rocket with small tank |
destroy damaged rocket with small tank |
load infantry into APC |
move loaded APC northeast |
move artillery east |
end Nell Day 1 |
advance troops in this formation other activities unknown |
attack small tank with medium tank |
destroy damaged small tank with infantry |
attack small tank with small tank |
destroy damaged small tank with small tank |
move loaded APC southeast |
drop infantry to the south of APC |
move recon southeast |
move artillery southeast |
move rocket northeast |
move mech east |
end Nell Day 2 |
attack recon with rocket move remaining troops in this formation |
move rocket southeast |
attack infantry with mech |
move infantry southeast |
attack infantry with small tank |
destroy damaged infantry with damaged small tank |
move damaged recon southeast |
move artillery east |
capture headquarter with infantry |
move medium tank southeast |
move APC east |
end Nell Day 3 |
attack infantry with rocket destroy damaged infantry with artillery move damaged infantry south |
move rocket southeast |
destroy damaged infantry with damaged mech |
attack artillery with artillery |
destroy damaged artillery with damaged small tank |
move damaged recon east |
attack rocket with medium tank |
destroy damaged rocket with small tank |
capture headquarter with infantry |
move APC south |
end Nell Day 4 |
idle |
attack lander with rocket |
destroy lander with artillery |
So, they've taken back most of the Orange Star territory... |
There's nothing left for me to tell you. Congratulations, graduate! |
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