Disclaimer: Sturm does random things in this mission. Please use this walkthrough as a reference only. |
capture airport with infantry |
capture base with infantry |
move medium tank northeast |
move medium tank northwest |
move APC north |
move anti-air northwest |
move anti-air north |
move missile north |
move b-copter northeast |
move b-copter northwest |
move t-copter east |
build two mechs end Andy Day 1 |
move small tank north |
move anti-air northwest |
move small tank northwest |
move rocket northeast |
move missile north |
move artillery northeast |
move artillery northwest |
move rocket northwest |
move missile north |
move infantry north |
move infantry east |
build infantry and artillery end Grit Day 1 |
move anti-air northeast |
move anti-air northwest |
move medium tank northeast |
move medium tank north |
move bomber north |
move b-copter north |
move b-copter north |
move fighter northwest |
move fighter northwest |
move infantry northwest |
build infantry and APC end Eagle Day 1 |
destroy Grit's small tank with both bombers move remaining troops in this formation build four infantries and a bomber |
NOTE: your goal of day 1 is to lure Sturm's planes within attack range of the allies. make sure each anti-air, missile, and fighter can score a hit on day 2. |
finish capturing airport with infantry |
finish capturing base with infantry |
attack fighter with anti-air |
attack fighter with anti-air |
destroy bomber with missile |
move mech north |
move mech northwest |
move empty t-copter east |
attack b-copter with b-copter |
attack small tank with b-copter |
move medium tank north |
mvoe medium tank northwest |
move APC northeast |
build infantry and small tank end Andy Day 1 |
destroy fighter with lower missile |
destroy bomber with upper missile |
attack bomber with anti-air |
move small tank northwest |
move rocket northwest |
move rocket north |
move artillery northwest |
move artillery northwest |
capture city with infantry |
move infantry southeast |
move artillery northwest |
move infantry north |
build artillery end Grit Day 2 |
attack fighter with anti-air |
destroy damaged fighter with anti-air |
destroy damaged fighter with fighter |
destroy bomber with fighter |
move bomber northwest |
move b-copter northwest |
move b-copter northwest |
move medium tank north |
move medium tank north |
capture city with infantry |
move infantry into APC |
move loaded APC northwest |
drop infantry to the north of APC |
build infantry and small tank end Eagle Day 2 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Andy's base |
retreat damaged fighter attack Grit's missile with damaged bomber attack Andy's APC with small tank attack Andy's damaged b-copter with small tank retreat damaged b-copter destroy Andy's damaged b-copter with b-copter destroy Andy's damaged APC with b-copter move remaining troops in this formation build random units |
invoke hyper repair |
destroy b-copter with anti-air |
destroy anti-air with medium tank |
destroy damaged small tank with medium tank |
destroy damaged small tank with b-copter |
attack anti-air with anti-air |
capture city with infantry |
move damaged infantry southeast |
move infantry southeast |
move damaged small tank northwest |
move damaged mech east |
move damaged mech southeast |
build small tank end Andy Day 3 |
capture city with infantry |
destroy damaged bomber with missile |
finish capturing city with infantry |
move small tank northeast |
move damaged anti-air northeast |
move artillery north |
move rocket northwest |
move rocket northwest |
move artillery north |
move damaged missile north |
move artillery northwest |
capture city with infantry |
move artillery northwest |
build artillery end Grit Day 3 |
destroy anti-air with bomber |
move fighter northwest |
destroy b-copter with fighter |
attack small tank with b-copter |
move b-copter west |
move anti-air west |
move medium tank west |
move medium tank northwest |
move anti-air northeast |
finish capturing city with infantry |
move infantry north |
move APC north |
move infantry southwest |
move small tank northwest |
build small tank end Eagle Day 3 |
attack Andy's b-copter with damaged fighter destroy Grit's rocket with bomber attack Andy's damaged t-copter with damaged small tank destroy Andy's damaged b-copter with anti-air attack Eagle's b-copter with damaged anti-air attack Eagle's fighter with anti-air attack Eagle's b-copter with b-copter destroy Eagle's damaged fighter with anti-air destroy Grit's small tank with medium tank destroy Grit's damaged anti-air with medium tank move remaining troops in this formation build random units |
finish capturing city with infantry |
destroy infantry with damaged anti-air |
destroy infantry with anti-air |
destroy anti-air with medium tank |
attack anti-air with medium tank |
destroy damaged anti-air with small tank |
move damaged mech east |
move damaged missile south |
move infantry northeast |
move damaged mech south |
move damaged small tank southeast |
move damaged infantry north |
move damaged t-copter southwest |
build two infantries end Andy Day 4 |
invoke snipe attack |
destroy bomber with damaged missile |
attack medium tank with artillery |
attack medium tank with artillery |
move rocket northeast |
move artillery north |
move infantry north |
capture city with infantry |
move artillery northwest |
move missile northwest |
move artillery northwest |
finish capturing city with infantry |
build nothing end Grit Day 4 |
move medium tank north |
attack damaged small tank with damaged b-copter |
destroy damaged anti-air with damaged b-copter |
destroy missile with bomber |
destroy b-copter with fighter |
destroy damaged fighter with anti-air |
destroy infantry with medium tank |
move small tank northwest |
move APC southwest |
capture airport with infantry |
capture city with infantry |
destroy damaged b-copter with anti-air |
move infantry west |
move small tank northwest |
invoke lightning strike |
attack damaged APC with damaged b-copter |
move small tank southwest |
move APC southwest |
move small tank north |
attack anti-air with bomber |
destroy damaged anti-air with damaged b-copter |
destroy damaged b-copter with fighter |
move medium tank northwest |
move medium tank northwest |
destroy b-copter with anti-air |
move anti-air southwest |
build nothing end Eagle Day 4 |
invoke meteor strike |
strike meteor on Andy's cluster of infantries and mechs |
join damaged medium tanks destroy Eagle's fighter with anti-air retreat damaged small tank destroy Eagle's damaged b-copter with anti-air attack Eagle's medium tank with medium tank capture city with infantry move remaining troops in this formation build random units |
attack right anti-air with medium tank |
attack left anti-air with medium tank |
attack APC with small tank |
destroy damaged APC with damaged anti-air |
attack infantry with anti-air |
attack infantry with infantry |
destroy 1HP small tank with 1HP small tank |
move damaged infantry north |
load damaged infantry into damaged t-copter |
move damaged loaded t-copter north |
drop damaged infantry to the left of damaged t-copter |
move damaged missile northwest |
move damaged infantry north |
join damaged infantries |
move damaged mech north |
join damaged mechs |
build two recons and a small tank end Andy Day 5 |
capture city with infantry |
destroy damaged medium tank with rocket |
move artillery northeast |
move artillery northeast |
move artillery northwest |
move artillery north |
capture airport with infantry |
move damaged missile north |
capture base with infantry |
move artillery north |
move missile northwest |
build nothing end Grit Day 5 |
destroy medium tank with bomber |
destroy damaged anti-air with damaged medium tank |
move medium tank northwest |
move anti-air northwest |
move anti-air northwest |
move small tank northwest |
finish capturing airport with infantry |
capture base with infantry |
move damaged APC northwest |
move damaged small tank northwest |
move damaged b-copter north |
capture city with infantry |
build nothing end Eagle Day 5 |
continue to capture city with damaged infantry join damaged infantries capture city with infantry attack Eagle's damaged medium tank with damaged anti-air destroy Eagle's damaged medium tank with anti-air attack Eagle's anti-air with small tank attack Andy's small tank with anti-air build random units |
attack infantry with recon |
destroy damaged infantry with recon |
destroy damaged infantry with damaged infantry |
destroy good anti-air with medium tank |
destroy damaged anti-air with medium tank |
attack bomber with anti-air |
destroy damaged anti-air with damaged anti-air |
attack APC with damaged small tank |
end Andy Day 6 |
idle (Grit's pretty much useless in TFB) |
destroy small tank with bomber |
destroy damaged APC with medium tank |
destroy damaged bomber with anti-air |
Nooooooooooo! |
I win! |
6-day perfect s-rank! |
guess who? |
Help support the AW Revival and make a PayPal donation to baekdoosan@tekken.cc. Please click on the button to the left. Thank you in advance. |